If you need to borrow medical equipment from the Hacienda Care Center, please contact Bruce Carroll, or Kenny Klise . If they don’t answer their telephone, please leave a message stating your name, address and the type of equipment you would like to borrow. Your call will be returned. Phone numbers can be found in the Resident Directory.
Please contact the office at (386) 423-5807 for information on the Hacienda Gate Decal Program.
Recycling will be picked up on Mondays , Garbage and Brush will be picked up on Wednesdays

All residents are urged to take an active part in our community.
WiFi Passwords for both club houses: Hacienda
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Club Rio HOA Activities and Clubs
Boating and Fishing - Artie Engler 305 731-7898 – Purpose: To improve the focus of the club and involve members in fishing and boating experiences. The club meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at Club Rio.
Bingo - Henrietta Kane 409-7423, Dick Wood 386 402-7286 A game in which players mark off numbers on cards as the numbers are drawn randomly by a caller, the winner being the first person to mark off five numbers in a row or another required pattern.
Bocce - A coin toss will determine which team has the jack and which color balls that team selects. The jack is thrown out by a member of the team having won the coin toss to start the game. The same player throwing the jack must deliver the first bocce ball.
Bowling - Barb Kim 424-0943 The game of tenpin bowling as a sport or recreation.
Bridge - Nikki Gould 409-7976 – Contract bridge, or simply bridge, is a trick-taking game using a standard 52-card deck. It is played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other around a table.
Care Center - Bruce Carroll (774 )313-9482, Kenny Klise (386) 423-6847.
Choral Group - Cathy Gildner (609) 339-0664, Kenny Klise 423-6847,– A body of singers who perform together as a group is called a choir or chorus.
Community Library - Deb Vance 515-570-5007 - Located in Club Lago.
Country Line Dancing - Sheryl Paul 427-5065 – A line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines or rows without regard for the gender of the individuals, all facing either each other or in the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time.
Cornhole Jerry Ciffone 847 371-1654 A lawn game in which players take turns throwing 16 ounce bags of corn kernels at a raised platform with a hole in the far end.
Craft and Hobby Show – Is a type of fair showcasing the work of serious artisans selling their handcrafted work, featuring quality, uniqueness and originality.
Garden Club – The Garden Club is an organized group of people with a shared interest in gardening, gardens and plants. They meet the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm at Club Rio. A flower club is a similar group with a focus on flowers.
Golf- Ron Bowling 386 423-0132 (Men’s Club) Barb Kim (Ladies Club) 424-0943 – Golf is a club and ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible.
Dance Club Silvia Fry 361 676-5610 334-3591 Is a social club centered around the group's common interest in dancing.
Health 911 - Susie Maitenson 305 849-1739 Our goal is to share information that will help you maintain excellent health or regain it if you have a health condition.
Mah-Jongg - Mary Van Etten 427-1479 – Mah-Jongg (Mah Jong) is a Chinese game of skill, strategy, and calculation. Researchers have developed a form of healing with Mah-Jongg as they believe that playing the game is beneficial for individuals suffering from dementia, cognitive and memory difficulties.
Pickleball - Diane Smith 570 677-7048 – Pickleball is a paddle sport (similar to a racquet sport) that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. The club plays Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings.
Red Hat Dolls - Nancy Ricard 386 427-8842 – The Red Hat Society is a playgroup for women created to connect like-minded women, make new friends and enrich lives through the power of fun and friendship! They meet the second Monday of each month at 1:00pm, unless otherwise noted. The meetings will take place at Club Rio while Club Lago is being renovated.
Senior Chair Yoga - Judith Rosko 423-8518 – Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support.
Shuffleboard - Dick Wood 603 289-5811 – A game in which players use cues to push weighted discs, sending them gliding down a narrow and elongated court, with the purpose of having them come to rest within a marked scoring area.
Singles - Marie Aaker 426-6941 – Join other single residents in socializing and make new friends.
Sunshine Committee - Mary Heasley 330 449-5418– If you know of someone living in Hacienda who is ill, in the hospital or has passed away, please contact Mary.
Tennis - Robert LaCob (386) 689-9944 – A game in which two or four players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court. The usual form (originally called lawn tennis ) is played with a felt-covered hollow rubber ball on a grass, clay, or artificial surface.
Veterans - Dave Gallant 386-801-3021 – The primary purposes are to support and honor the United States military services, perpetuate the honor and memory of its dead and provide a social outlet for the members and their companions. The club will also provide an avenue to disperse information to its members and serve as an advocacy for Veterans.
Water Aerobics - Alice Robinson 427-2303/Sharon Hale 427-5587/Gloria Camp 428-2107/Joan Willwerth 426-0000/Myra VanBeek 427-2965/Corrie Roos 427-7214 – Water aerobics (water aerobics, aquatic fitness) is the performance of aerobic exercise in fairly shallow water such as in a swimming pool. Done mostly vertically and without swimming typically in waist deep or deeper water, it is a type of resistance training.
Michigan Ladies - Ruth McMonigle 957-1822
New England - Joyce Purinton (386) 427-8163
New York - Bud Lawlor 518 922-5077
Ohio - Mary Heasley (330) 409-5418
Pennsylvania - Diane Smith 570 677-7048, Patty Tacey
New Jersey -
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